Saturday 30 June 2012

Nivea Russia Promotion

Nivea is generously offering lots of promotional gifts for its customers in Russia.  Simply spend 170 roubles and above on Nivea products and receive a special card with your first sticker. For every following purchase worth 170 roubles, you will get these stickers. That is, if the total of your purchase is above 340 roubles, you will be given 2 stickers, if it's above 510 roubles - 3 stickers, etc. The more stickers you have, the greater prizes you get! For 3 stickers you will receive a headband. To get a travel bag you need 5 stickers and a transformer bag is worth 7 stickers. 

Promotional Items by Nivea, Russia

The items are customized by matching Nivea’s signature colours. In terms of utility, all the items will come in handy for all ladies. The design simplicity helps to cut down on expenses at the same time adding to the perceived value of the Nivea products.

For more promotional ideas check out the following posts:

In a nutshell about this promo for our Russian followers:

Покупайте средства по уходу за кожей лица и тела «Nivea», собирайте наклейки и получайте стильные призы: дорожную сумку, повязку на волосы или сумку-трансформер! 

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